Julian Rocks at Byron Bay

$ 700.00

Grey Nurse Sharks come to Julian Rocks during the winter months, presumably to breed. The most commonly dived sites during the winter months are the Cod Hole, Turtle trench and Hugo’s Trench as these are where the Grey Nurse Sharks like to patrol the snad trenches. During the Summer months the biggest draw card are definitely the Leopard Sharks (as known as Zebra Sharks) and of course the Manta Rays.   Cost Includes: 6 dives 2 nights accommodation Return Transport to Byron Bay from Woolloongabba Tanks and weights Dive master services Click here to read more about the site and…

6 in stock


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Diver Details

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Gear Hire

Please indicate your gear hire requirements here, as we will need to bring the gear with us. Gear hire is also available from the operator, however maybe more expensive in some cases. We do not provide mask, snorkel, fins and boots.


For gear hire only. Please indicated below you shirt size if male- sm, med, lge etc or your dress size if female

Specialty Courses

Are you interested in completing a PADI specialty course on this dive weekend?

Transport to Byron Bay

Please indicate if you would like transport from Woolloongabba to Byron Bay or if you will be making your own way there

Terms & Conditions

I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this booking
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SKU: Jul RocksWEND