Cherubs Cave and Henderson Rock are two of the most popular and least scuba dived sites in South East Queensland.
Just the very mention of diving here will send pangs of jealousy into any experienced Queensland diver!
Next Trip – A MIDWEEK two day two night trip on Wednesday 4 September to Friday 6 September 2013.
Cost – $650 includes 6 dives (2 dives at Cherub’s and Henderson’s, 4 dives at Shark Alley), fuel surcharge, tanks, weights, return ferry transfers, 2 nights accommodation and transport on Moreton Island.
This is a unique opportunity to dive one of South East Queenslands hidden gems!! Hendersons Rock/Cherubs Cave is on the Eastern side of Moreton but due to it’s location and travel time is not often dived. If you are in ANY position to join us for this trip, schedule a day in lieu, call in sick, you don’t want to miss this!
A small concrete cherub, last seen near the engine of the wreck of the “St Paul” 6 miles north, once marked the main entrance to this fantastic hidden cave off Moreton Island. The large circular shaped cave roughly measures 20m x 15m and has six exits. The entire area is surrounded by rocky gullies, small caves, overhangs and can be filled with some SPECTACULAR pelagic action. Cherubs Cave has a large resident Queensland groper and during winter grey nurse sharks enjoying patrolling the waters in this area.
Check out this fantastic video from Ben Murray
Depth Range : 12 – 40m+
Visibility averages 20m
**Please note that due it it’s location and position on the windward side of Moreton Island, it is not always possible to dive on Cherubs and Henderson Rock. Every effort will always be made to reach the sites but if conditions do not allow us to do so we will ensure that you will dive the best sites that North Stradbroke has to offer be it Shark Alley, Shag Rock, Manta Bommie e.t.c. Divers who are prone to sea sickness are strongly advised to take medication as it is a 40min to an hour boat ride to the sites from North Stradbroke. Divers with recurrent back problems are also warned that it can be bumpy in any swell.
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