Cook Island is located approximately 600m offshore from Fingal Head and four kilometres southeast of Tweed Heads in Northern NSW on the Southern end of the Gold Coast, Australia
-Cook Island Aquatic Reserve was declared on October 23, 1998 to protect the marine biodiversity of the island’s reef system.
– Cook Island plays host to an amazing array of marine life, offering spectacular temperate, subtropical and tropical species of fish which are bountiful. Nudibranchs, Rays, Eels and Occys are plentiful. Clown fish, Bullseyes, Gropers, Leatherjackets, Parrot fish, Pufferfish, Surgeonfish, Sweetlips and Trevally.
-Other additional species include a couple of species of crayfish, flatworm and shrimp.
-Migratory shark species such as the Blind Sharks, Shovel Nose Rays, Guitar Sharks and Leopard Sharks (summer) Grey Nurse (winter) and Wobbegongs visit throughout the year.
-Regular visitors include a number of protected species such as the Giant Queensland Groper, Black Cod, Estuary Cod and Grey Nurse Shark.
-Some of the star attractions in the Reserve are the green and loggerhead turtles, which you will more than likely see on your magical dive or snorkel tour.
-The island has 13 moorings, offering great boat dives from three sides, the North, South and East, each offering something different from the other
The North Wall has a long easy navigational wall which extends right through to Mary’s Rock. Has a ledge at 5m perfect for safety stops or snorkelling. The North Wall is home to baby wobbegongs, nudibranchs, lionfish, octopus and a diverse range of schooling fish. The drop off is 12 meters to a sandy bottom, where you will find plenty of marine life.
The South side – a photographer’s dream. Colourful soft corals are teeming with marine life, Eagle Rays, Manta Rays, Shovel Nose Rays, Groper, Cod, and schools of Kingfish are all residents of this colourful marine wonderland. This is an easy 10 m dive so enjoy the beauty and take your camera.
The East is a great adventure dive. Caves, crevices and swim throughs will delight any explorer. As you swim around the next corner or out of the swim throughs a Wobbegong won’t be too far away. The East plays host to the ‘Turtle Nursery” the baby turtles hang out here to grow and learn before they move on to the more open waters of the North side.
Coral gardens, schools of Taylor, Jewfish a variety of sharks and oodles of marine life, the east wall is the deepest side of the island at 18 m. This is the perfect dive site for novice divers to hone their skills or photographers searching for macro subjects – nudis galore!!
Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
Depth ranges from 18 – 30 metres
Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience
28 November 2020
To book online for one of our day dive trips click HERE
$220 per person
2 dives
Tanks and weights
Dive guide services
Transport from Brisbane to Tweed Heads for the first 6 to book on
All Dive Gear (excluding tanks & weights)
Travel Insurance
Personal spending money
All Meals are at lesiure
PDS is able to with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.
If travelling in the Professional Dive Services van, we will leave Woolloongabba early morning to head down to Tweed Heads. It is expected that we will have you back in Woolloongabba by mid afternoon. A more detailed estimate of timings will be sent to those who have booked closer to the date of the day trip.
Enriched Air (Nitrox)
Digital Underwater Photographer
Underwater Photographer
Underwater Videographer
Search and Recovery
Peak Performance Buoyancy
Underwater Navigation
Dry Suit Diver
Shark Awareness
Underwater Naturalist
This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!
Note– Some specialties are site and conditions dependant. All efforts will be made to complete course dives on a booked trip, however if conditions do not allow it the diver will have to book onto another trip to complete the course requirements.
Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].
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