Tag: bucket list

  • Dive with Fur Seals at Narooma this Easter!

    Dive with Fur Seals at Narooma this Easter!










    Located in Narooma on the South Coast of New South Wales, Montague Island provides a home for over 1000 Fur Seals; the playful puppies of the ocean.

    Australian and New Zealand Fur Seals are at home on Montague Island. After being hunted for their furs during the 18th and 19th centuries, thankfully these charismatic and lovely sea mammals are now protected in Australia and their numbers are increasing. Fur Seals have large eyes, a pointed face with whiskers and sharp teeth. Both Australian and New Zealand fur seals have two layers of fur.

    Seals are on the island all year round, so you will be guaranteed of seeing them. As your boat approaches the island, look out for the seals at the northern end of the island as they haul out and cool down in the water and frolic and fish. It may look as if they are waving a friendly flipper in the air as they cool down by rolling on their side on the surface of the water.

    On your dive trip you will board Dallas, a PADI authorised dive vessel, where you can explore dive spots that will see you dive with these Seals, you also have the prospect of viewing Stringrays and Grey Nurse Sharks (November to April). There is also the prospect of diving on the SS Lady Darling wreck.  You will be amazed at how clear the water is at Montague Island with 20- 30 metre visibility most of the time. Whilst diving you will have the opportunity to view the playful Fur Seals romp with millions of fish. You may also see graceful gliding Stingrays and Bullrays as well as Blue Gropers, Wobbegongs and Port Jacksons just to name a few. Great diving for all!







    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience


    Thursday, 29 March – Monday, 2 April 2018 (Easter Monday)


    With Flights ex Brisbane- $1650

    Without Flights- $1175

    To book online please click HERE













    6 dives
    4 Nights accommodation
    Van transport from Sydney airport to Narooma
    Van transfers around Narooma
    Tanks and Weights
    Flights (if you choose this option)










    All Dive Gear
    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending money
    All meals are at your leisure
    Flights to Sydney + allowance for 2 checked in bags (if you have chosen the without flights package)


    PDS is able to with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the trip, however you will need to arrange to collect the gear from us and make allowances in your luggage for this gear. There is also the option of hiring gear directly from the operator, which is advised.


    Thursday, 29 March
    For those who have chosen the ‘with flights’ option, you will be flying QF517 from Brisbane to Sydney, departing Brisbane at 10:05am and arriving in Sydney at 12:40 pm. For those who are booking their own flights, we will meet you at Sydney airport at 12:45 pm. From here we will travel together as a group down to Narooma on the South Coast of NSW. No diving today, but we will get ourselves settled into our accomoodation; get a good nights rest and then ready for a morning of diving with fur seals!

    Friday, 30 March- Sunday, 1 April 
    2 dives per day and all meals at leisure.

    Monday, 2 April
    We will check-out of our accommodation and travel in our van back to Sydney airport. For those who have chosen the ‘with flights’ package, we will be travelling on QF536 to Brisbane departing at 16:00 (4pm) and arriving in Brisbane at 17:30 (5:30pm). For those booking their own flights, please do not book your flights any earlier than 4pm.



    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].


    To book online please click HERE











    Tulamben, is a little village on the northeast coast of Bail. The beach is covered in black sand and fist size rocks. Diving the Tulamben’s coast, which boasts colourful coral gardens, plunging walls, fantastic macros sites and Tulamben’s renowned wreck dive, the USAT Liberty. The Liberty is located just off shore ; she is 120m long and rests on a 90 degree angle with the deck facing the open sea! Hit by a torpedo in World War II she is now festooned in coral making a fantastic artificial reef home to diverse marine life. Be it pelagic species or macro there is something on the Liberty wreck to captivate and enthrall every diver.

    USAT Liberty Wreck
    Just 30 metres from the beach at Tulamben, is a WWII cargo ship broken up, but still a large wreck stretching 120 metres long on a sloping sandy bottom. The top of the wreckage is just 3 metres below the waters surface and the bottom is 29 metres. On January 11, 1942, the ship was hit by torpedoes from a Japanese submarine while crossing Lombok Strait carrying rubber and railroad parts. Badly damaged, two destoyer ships towed the USAT Liberty up onto the beach at Tulamben. The volcanic explosion of Gunung Agung in 1963 rolled Liberty off the beach to its present location, in the process the USAT Liberty broke into pieces. The wreck is now covered with a variety of corals and it is estimated that some 400 species of reef fish live on the wreck.

    Visibility averages 15- 20 metres and water temperature is roughly 28- 29 degrees.

    Coral Garden
    This shallow patch reef us delightful and richly covered more than 200 metres and lies in 5- 15 metres of water. This reef is dominated by Acropora, hard corals, some large table corals and bushes of Hydroids and supports a diversity of fish population such as Parrotfish, Wrasse, Snapper, as well as Ribbon Eels, Frogfish and Scorpionfish. Photographers and divers who like macro sea life, this will be a favourite.

    Drop-off (Rugged Wall)
    The reef wall descends down over 70 metres. Black, soft and hard corals grow well on the crannies and overhangs. At 18 metres there live an abundance of Cleaner Shrimp and large fish are waiting at the overhangs to be cleaned. The hook of the wall at 28 metres where the reef extends to the sloping eastern reef stands a huge purple sea fan Gorgonian, which is over 2 metres wide and is the landmark on the reef wall. A prolific variety of schooling fish swim around the corner of the wall and even invertebrate animals are often encountered at this rugged wall reef.





    4- 15 April 2018 (during the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games)


    Diver- $3050

    Non-diver- $2,390


    Virgin Australia ex Brisbane to Denpasar
    Airline taxes & fuel surcharges

    Tulamben Wreck Divers
    Standard twin share room- 10 nights
    Daily Breakfast
    Return airport transfers


    Tulamben Diving
    10 boat dives per diver
    3 dives in Amed
    3 dives in Padang Bai
    Tanks, weights, air fills and dive guide



    Gear rental
    Bar purchases
    Food and other items not mentioned above



    Wednesday, 4 April
    10:05am- Depart Brisbane on Virgin Australia flight and arrive in Denpasar at 2:45pm

    4 April- 14 April 2018
    10 nights accommodation in standard twin share room at Tulamben Wreck Divers
    10 dives per diver in the Tulamben Area
    3 dives per diver in Amed
    3 dives per diver in Padang Bali

    Saturday, 14 April 2018
    10:10 pm- Depart Denpasar on Virgin Australia Flight

    Sunday, 15 April 2018
    5:45am- arrive in Brisbane

    Please also refer to the attached document for a more detailed itinerary


    PDS is able to provide you with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator set, computer and hire pricing for the week will be provided upon application. Please note that you will need to arrange to collect the gear from us (Brisbane based customers) prior to the trip and this gear must be incorporated into your own luggage allowance for your flights. Hire costs will apply. Alternatively, gear hire can be hired from the operator in Bali.



    Advanced Open Water
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Self Reliant Diver
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Shark Awareness
    Boat Diver
    Underwater Naturalist

    *** Many more specialties can be done on this trip. John is an Instructor in 32 different specialties. Did you have a specialty in mind? Call John on 0457 007 040 to discuss***


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to info@professionaldiveservice

  • Tonga- Vava’u- Snorkel with the Humpback Whales

    Tonga- Vava’u- Snorkel with the Humpback Whales










    Tonga is one of the only places in the world where you can snorkel with whales up close.

    tonga-humpbackEvery year from July to November the whales complete their migration from the cold feeding waters south of New Zealand and Australia, to the warmer tropical waters of Tonga where they give birth to calves and perform courtship readying themselves for the next season.

    This adventure will allow you to experince a once in a lifetime whale watch tour and witness these enormous and majextic creatures in their natural environment.


    tonga-humpbackAll tours will be accompanied by experinced local skippers and qualified whale watch guides.

    Did you know that a Humpback Whale averages 15 metres in length and can weighup to 45 tonnes. The females give birth to a single calf, usually every third year. Tonga is an ideal nursery, as it provides sheltered areaswith shallow warm water. Here the carves suckle the fat-rich milk, which helps them to quickly grow and lay down a layer of blubber in preparation for the journey south to the chilly Antarctic waters.


    September 2019 – Dates yet to be confirmed. Email us on [email protected] to register your interest.

    9 days/ 8 nights ex Brisbane


    Based on current pricing budget $5,000 for this bucket list experience.


    tonga-humpback-3Air and Taxes
    Return flights ex Brisbane to Vava’u via Nadi- Fiji Airways
    Australian departure taxes and applicable airline taxes (subject to change)

    Accommodation and Transfers
    1 night twin share accommodation at The Tanoa International – Nadi
    7 nights twin share fare accommodation at Mala Island- Vava’u
    Return aitport transfers in Tonga and Fiji

    Half board meal package at Mala Island: breakfast and dinner daily

    Snorkeler Package
    3 x full day whale watching tours with Tongan Expeditions- includes: qualified whale guide, light lunch, hot drink and snorkelling equipment

    Diver Package 3 x full day whale watching tours with Tongan Expeditions- includes: qualified whale guide, light lunch, hot drink and snorkelling equipment. 2 x Double Boat Dives with Tongan Expeditions – tanks, weights, dive guide services and a light lunch.



    Travel insurance
    Personal spending money
    Any excess luggage surcharges

    tonga-humpback-2BOOKING CONDITIONS APPLY
    Space is limited. Price is subject to change due to airline fluctuations and availability. Please use this package price as an indicative price guide. See other terms and conditions as per the Dive Adventures website – www.diveadventures.com.au

    To secure your place on this trip, you will need to complete an online booking form and return it together with a non-refundable deposit amount of $1200 per person.

    Please find the booking link below to book onto the trip :


  • Explore Australia’s Far North – Diving the Torres Strait and Ribbon Reefs aboard the MV Kalinda

    Explore Australia’s Far North – Diving the Torres Strait and Ribbon Reefs aboard the MV Kalinda











    This is truly an incredible trip and VERY few divers on the planet have had the opportunity to dive the Torres Strait. Some of the most spectacular diving in the Coral Sea and reefs dived so rarely that you will likely see something that no person has ever seen before! This is the Great Barrier Reef at it’s healthiest. Incredible untouched reef systems with abundant fish life and huge varieties of pelagic life. Regardless of whether you love macro or wide angle subjects there is something here for everyone!

    The Far Northern Reefs are some of the most isolated reefs north of Lizard Island and extend to the east the tip of Cape York peninsular about 500 nautical miles north of Cairns. So many of these reef systems have not even been explored before! Our skipper Dave Stewart has been leading expeditions to this region and has found dive sites and reef systems that no one else has. The Far Northern reefs are famous for their fantastic wall dives, world class drift diving, pinnacles teeming with plethoras of fish, enormous coral bommies, and reef fish and invertebrates of incredible variety and colour. The nesting season for the green sea turtle runs from October through February, and November and December sees thousands upon thousands of turtles descending on the many small coral cays in the region.

    img_3231None are as well known though as Raine Island which has been featured in numerous National Geographic and David Attenborough documentaries as in peak season up to 250 turtles and hour drag themselves up onto the beach to lay the next generation. Raine Island is the LARGEST green sea turtle rookery in the word! Aside from the enormous turtles in their incredible numbers this is particularly impressive as there are typically roaming tiger sharks waiting for an easy meal of an exhausted mother who has just laid her clutch. This is a world class opportunity to witness nature in it’s purest and rawest form.

    Check out this incredible footage from Bio Pixel for what is in store for you if you join us :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4iIV-80eMc

    img_3019It is not just the spectacular Far Northern Reefs that we will be exploring. We will also be diving the most iconic sites of the Ribbon Reefs including two sites which are consistently rated in the top 10 dives in Australia, Steve’s Bommie and The Cod Hole! Aside from the famous Cod Hole you will also have a very unique opportunity to dive the sites around Lizard Island which are renowned for nudibranchs and macro life as well as their huge resident potato cod. The only other way to get to these sites is to pay a minimum of $1,500 a night!


    The other big draw card is the wreck of the RMS Quetta. The wreck of the RMS Quetta is one of Australia’s oldest and best known shipwrecks and is on the list of one of the few dive able historic wrecks. Located just South of Adolphus Island, this 116 metre long Scottish passenger liner sank on the 28th of February 1890 after striking a coral mount at low tide with 133 of her 290 crew perishing. At the time she was Queensland’s worst maritime disaster. This site requires a permit to dive, experience and significant planning. Huge currents and variable tides make her a difficult dive but very rewarding for those who do it! The Quetta lies in only 6 to 18m of water and is home to literally millions of fish. Thankfully many of the historic relics / “souvenirs” have been removed from the wreck and preserved in museums to stop them ending up in the hands of private collectors and irresponsible divers and so they can be admired by all for generation to come. She is still an incredible wreck though on par if not better than the SS Yongala and so rarely dived it is truly a remarkable opportunity.



    Here is some footage taken by Chris Miller for Coast Australia to give you an idea of what awaits you on the RMS Quetta : https://vimeo.com/127999670

    ***This dive trip can be very challenging with a lot of sites prone to current so it is only recommended for experienced divers.***

    Want a better idea of what is in store for you for the entire trip? Check out this great highlight video from a previous Far North trip showing all of the residents that are waiting for you to come and play! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vakW7BpkHGk





    Suggested passage plan :

    Nov 2018

    2 – Board in Cairns @ 1400

    3 – Ribbon Reefs/Steve’s Bommie

    4 – Cod Hole/Lizard Island

    5-    Scooterboot

    6-   Small Southern Detached/ Ferguson Reef

    7-   Mantis/Wishbone Reef

    8-   Woody’s/ The Drop (Wood Reef)

    9-   Captain Blood’s Wall of Terror/ The Anchors (Greater Detached Reefs)

    10 –   Da Phat/6mp / Turle Farm (Greater Detached Reefs)

    11 –   OMG Spot / Cow Bommie (Greater Detached Reefs)

    12 –   Raine Island (Turtles & Tiger sharks)

    13 –  Transit Day

    14 – RMS Quetta / Thursday Island

    15-  Disembark Horn Island @ 9am











    Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers (certified to 30 metres)

    Depth ranges from 6 – 40+ metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    2 to 15 November 2018

    To book onto this trip please click HERE



    $3,900 per diver ex Cairns   ***There are ONLY 12 divers on this trip!!****



    Opportunity for up to 40 dives (12 days of diving)
    13 nights berthed accommodation on board the MV Kalinda
    All meals and snacks whilst on board
    Tanks, weights & air fills
    RMS Quetta fees and GBRMP fees
    Divemaster services if required



    Flights to and from Cairns
    Flight from Horn island to Cairns
    Beer, wine & soft drinks (available on board)
    Travel Insurance (We also highly recommend DAN insurance)
    Personal spending money
    Dive Gear


    PDS is able to provide you with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator set, computer and hire pricing for the week will be provided upon application. Please note that you will need to arrange to collect the gear from us (Brisbane based customers) prior to the trip and this gear must be incorporated into your own luggage allowance for your flights.


    MV Kalinda 2









    Our Vessel

    The MV Kalinda was constructed in 1973 and is a solid, cravel planked timber monohull. Thoughtful design by boat builders Thompson & Thompson and refit modifications have created an amazing sense of space and modern convenience without loss of charm and character. She is not a luxury boat by any means but is practical and functional. The MV Kalinda sleeps up to 30 people including crew but aside from the crew we have reduced this number to ONLY 12 divers to make it as comfortable for you as possible. Don’t miss out!

    Dave Stewart is our fearless leader. owner and manager of the MV Kalinda, skipper (master class 4.), engineer (marine engine driver grade 2.), Marine Biologist (BSc(hons) JCU), SCUBA Instructor (PADI) 700+ certified students, 2500+ dives worldwide, Underwater photographer & Videographer, & specialty instructor. Dave has more than 20 years experience (at over 150 days a year) exploring the Great Barrier Reefs and a large number of these sites that we will be diving are sites he has discovered! Dave is renowned for his down to earth nature and detailed dive briefs.











    Advanced Open Water
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Self Reliant Diver
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Shark Awareness
    Boat Diver
    Underwater Naturalist

    *** Many more specialties can be done on this trip. John is an Instructor in 32 different specialties. Did you have a specialty in mind? Call John on 0457 007 040 to discuss***




    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to[email protected].



    To book online please click HERE

  • Explore the tranquil waters of Lady Elliot Island aboard the MV Adori

    Explore the tranquil waters of Lady Elliot Island aboard the MV Adori





    MV Adori









    The Trip
    Come and join us on your own private liveaboard diving some of the best waters on the planet. The MV Adori and her crew will be taking us to one of the pinnacles of Australian diving, Lady Elliot Island! This trip is a must for every diver with diverse coral cays, reefs, islands and abundant marine life. There is NO cheaper way to see Lady Elliot Island. You can take all of your own gear and there are NO weight restrictions. ALL of your food and diving is included and the best part is it is BYO!

    Dive Information

    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)

    Wreck certification is not a requirement to dive this site

    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience


    Trip Dates & Price

    Thursday, 14- Monday, 18 December 2017    $1,550 per person – 1 spot left

    To book online for either of these dive trips CLICK HERE











    What’s Included

    Up to 16 dives including up to four night dives
    4 nights accommodation in air conditioned bunks

    Reef tax
    All air fills
    Couples booking on will be given priority for the twin share cabins with ensuite
    Complimentary transport to Bundaberg from Brisbane











    What’s Excluded
    All Dive Gear
    Transport to Bundaberg if you are making your own way
    Alcohol  – The MV Adori is BYO
    Soft drinks

    Gear Hire
    PDS is able to assist with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.


    DAY 1
    For those availing of the free transport from Brisbane we will meet at Woolloongabba at 6am to head North to Burnett Heads. Arriving in Burnett Heads at midday everyone stows their gear and settles in on-board. We will then receive a boat and safety brief before departing port for Lady Elliot Island. It will take approximately 5 hours to Lady Elliot Island where we will enjoy a night dive on the wreck of the Severance before retiring for the evening.









    DAY 2
    You wake up to the magnificent sight of Lady Elliot before you. With so many dive sites to choose from, it will be hard to decide where to dive next! Lighthouse Bommie will feature heavily of course as the mantas are one of the main draw cards! The humpback whales will be in the area too on their migration so you NEVER know what we will see!!











    DAY 3 and 4
    Days three and four will see us continue to explore the sites at Lady Elliot. Having dived here extensively over the last four years between John’s knowledge of the sites and Captain John’s knowledge of the ocean we will get you to the best diving available. Popular sites include Spider’s Ledge, Lighthouse Bommie, The Blow Hole, the wreck of the Severance, Three Pyramids, Grouper’s Grotto, Shark pools, Hiro’s Cave, Coral Gardens and so many more!  











    DAY 5
    Day five will be an early start but it is worth it! We will start with Spider’s Ledge with the hope of seeing the manta rays coming in to clean after their night feeding. We will then head to Lighthouse Bommie to interact with as many mantas as possible. July and August are peak season at Lady Elliot Island as the mantas return to mate. There is NO place in Australia and few in the world that compare to Lady Elliot for manta interaction which is why it was recognised as one of the top 5 Manta Ray dives in the world! We will depart LEI at midday to head back to Bundaberg where we will arrive circa 5pm on Sunday night to disembark.  


    Specialities Suitable for this trip
    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)

    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Self Reliant Diver
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to
    [email protected]


    Book online by CLICKING HERE

  • Sardine Run, South Africa – The GREATEST Spectacle in Nature!

    Sardine Run, South Africa – The GREATEST Spectacle in Nature!





    Every year, between the months of May and July, many millions of Silvery sardines travel north from the cold southern oceans off South Africa’s Cape Point, hugging the shore as they make their way up along the coastlines of the former Transkei (northern Eastern Cape) and KwaZulu- Natal in what is commonly known as the annual Sardine Run.

    Visible even by satellite, these famous sardine shoals travel in seething masses stretching for up to 15 kms in length, 3.5 kms wide and nearly 40 metres deep.

    The Sardine Run is a spectacle in itself, but add to this, hundreds of predators arriving in mass to partake in a feeding frenzy. Birds, dolphins, sharks, whales and game fish all gorge themselves on the sardine’s.

    Sardine Run, Dolphins









    On this 8 night, 9 day trip you will experience an action packed adventure filled with phenomenal marine life and other activities in the area.

    The boat launches from the beach between 0630- 0730, depending on the sardine action.

    A microlight (plane) is on hand to brief the boat on the happenings in the water within a 20km radius of the shore. Once the boat has found the sardine action (usually by large flocks of sea birds or the schools of dolphins in the vicinity of the fish) you can choose to either witness the spectacle by snorkel, scuba or from the deck.

    The choice is yours to enjoy a packed lunch on board the boat or return to the Lodge in the early afternoon for a late lunch. Enjoy the remainder of the day at your leisure. Choose from the following activities on offer: a microlight flight, horse riding, walks or scenic drives.


    Sardine Run, Sailfish








    Accomodation- Mbotyi River Lodge

    The Myotyi River Lodge is situated at the mouth of the Mbotyi River and tribal estuary, along South Africa’s Wild Coast. Nestled in the rolling hills and lush tropical forest. The Lodge has 45 double or twin wooden thatch rooms, each with their own unique view of the sea or the beautiful lagoon.

    Mbotyi Lodge









    Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers (certified to 30 metres)
    A minimum of 30 dives is essential
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience

    Sardine Run, Dusky whalers









    Currently working on dates for July 2019


    $9,335 per person


    Return airfares Ex Brisbane to Durban via Johannesburg flying QANTAS
    2 nights twin share accommodation at The City Lodge Umhlanga- Durban; includes breakfast daily
    8 nights twin share accommodation- The Mbotyi River Lodge
    All meals; Full or packed breakfast, light lunch and refreshments on the boat and 3 course dinner daily
    Dedicated microlight spotter aircraft support to locate sardine ball
    1 x guest microflight (weather permitting)
    Up to 7 days on the water or *alternate activities (determined by weather)
    Air fills, tanks and weight belts
    Return airport transfers throughout
    Australian departure tax

    *Alternate Activities
    The following activities are substituted if the boat launch is unavailable- visit to a rural African Village, horse riding and guided walks

    Sardine Run









    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Excess luggage surcharges


    Prices are subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in USD currency exchange rates

    Note: the package price is based on an exchange rate of 0.76 USD= 1.00 AUD

    Sardine Run, Seals










    To secure your place on this trip, you will need to complete an online booking form, along with a non- refundable deposit of $1,500.

    Please find the Dive Adventures online booking form HERE

    Please note that additional payment installments will be required throughout the duration of this booking. All details will be confirmed at the time of booking confirmation.

    Sardine Run, gannet








    We strongly recommend divers bring their own gear rather than hiring on location. Having gear that you are familiar and comfortable with is important for this type of adventure diving. Gear is available on site if required.

    The Indian Ocean is the warmer of the 2 oceans bordering South Africa. You will be diving in the winter season where water temperatures will vary between 15- 21C. A 7mm wetsuit will most often suffice with booties, hood and gloves.

    If you require any dive gear for this trip, please communicate this to us via email ([email protected]). If you are hiring from us, additional charges for gear hire and excess luggage fees will apply.



  • Australian Giant Cuttlefish, Leafy Seadragons and Great White Sharks!

    Australian Giant Cuttlefish, Leafy Seadragons and Great White Sharks!


    OPTION ONE- Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only

    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions want you to see Great White Sharks! And not just a quick flashing pass of grey, they want you to really see and experience the wonder and amazement of Great White Sharks. Get that tickle down your spine as one of the world’s prehistoric, amazing and definitely misunderstood fish swims by you.

    After nearly 50 years, Rodney and Andrew Fox are the world’s foremost cage operators and they can hold their heads up high knowing that their combination of more time on location, more cages and less people makes them the South Australian shark viewing company with the most successful shark encounters.

    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions are the most established and respected cage diving operation in the world. They are the ONLY operators worldwide to put the cage on the sea floor so you can truly see the sharks in their natural environment. They react entirely different at depth than they do at the surface when they are predating. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!

    The RFSE only leg begins in Port Lincoln where you will fly in and meet the rest of the group. After a good night sleep we will then board the MV Rodney Fox. We will then secure our bunks on board and steam out of Port. We will then journey to just short of Hopkins Island to jump in the water with Australian Sealions. These creatures are incredible and you will be amazed how quickly the time passes as you watch them pirouette and glide past you! We then head to the Neptune Islands to anchor for the night ready for the main event and in search of the main star, the Great White shark.

    Once we arrive on site we put the surface cage and start the surface cage rotation. This trip is normally predominantly filled with SCUBA divers so if you aren’t certified as soon as the bottom cage rotations begin you will pretty much have the surface cage to yourself! We will return from our incredible adventure on the evening of the 10th for disembarkation where we will stay the night at the Marina Hotel before leaving the next morning to  head back to Adelaide. You can either join us for the bus ride back to Adelaide or fly back from Port Lincoln (please ensure to take no fly times in to account before booking your flights.).

    OPTION TWO – The Best of South Australia

    On day one we will meet in Adelaide at the baggage claim and from here the group will be some of the first visitors to view the newly established Rodney Fox Great White Shark Museum. This incredible exhibit used to be housed in Glenelg when the Failie was the vessel that RFSE used for their tours. The exhibition has been substantially expanded and given a new home to be the BEST great white shark exhibit in the world! Even more exciting is we will be doing a meet and greet with the man himself Rodney Fox! We will then begin our road trip to Whyalla, where we will stay for the night. On day two the group will head to the best site in South Australia to dive with the LARGEST cephalopod aggregation in the world with mating Giant Australian Cuttlefish. The numbers of cuttlefish have dropped over the years and were continuing to significantly decline with only an estimated 25,000 returning each year. Twenty years ago the numbers were around 1 million. We are pleased to say that after four years of gradually increasing the population is the largest it has been in over 8 years as of June 2017! Don’t miss the opportunity to see these stunning creatures.

    After our dive with the cuttlefish, we will then drive to Port Lincoln, where we will get a good night sleep ready to dive with another of South Australia’s most iconic creatures, Leafy Seadragons. In the morning we then head to Tumby Bay to dive with the largest seahorse in the world, the Leafy Seadragon! Endemic to Australia these incredible animals are truly fascinating. The largest of the seahorse family they are absolutely stunning creatures and masters of camouflage! It is not just the seadragons that will have you captivated! You will be mesmerised by the kaleidoscope of colour on the pylons, a hallmark of temperate water jetty/pier diving! Our group will then meet any members joining us just for the liveaboard at the Marina Hotel to stay the night ready to board the MV Rodney Fox the next morning. On Monday morning we begin the RFSE portion of our epic adventure starting off with playful Australian sealions before powering out to the Neptune islands in search of the Great Whites.

    We can take up to a maximum of 18 divers for the Best of South Australia tour.

    Great White Shark - Bottom Cage, Neptune Islands, South Australia












    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions
    You do not need to be dive certified to join this trip

    The Best of South Australia
    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    The Best of South Australia- Friday, 4 – Friday, 11 June 2021 – $3,950 per person

     Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only- Sunday, 6 – Friday, 11 June 2018- $2,950 per person

    To book a spot on this trip online click HERE














    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only
    3 nights accommodation aboard MV Rodney Fox
    A dive with Australian Sea Lions aboard MV Rodney Fox
    3 days of boat diving with Great White Sharks with Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions aboard the MV Rodney Fox
    All meals on the MV Rodney Fox
    2 nights accommodation at the Marina Hotel, Port Lincoln
    Transport (van) from Port Lincoln to Adelaide (final day)

    The Best of South Australia
    Entry in to the Rodney Fox Great White Shark Museum
    Meet and greet with Rodney Fox himelf!
    1 nights accommodation in Whyalla
    Transport to various dive locations in South Australia
    A shore dive with the mating Australian Giant Cuttlefish at Whyalla
    3 nights accommodation aboard MV Rodney Fox
    A dive with the Leafy Sea Dragons at Tumby Bay
    A dive with Australian Sea Lions aboard MV Rodney Fox
    3 days of boat diving with Great White Sharks with Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions aboard the MV Rodney Fox
    All meals on the MV Rodney Fox
    3 nights accommodation at the Marina Hotel, Port Lincoln
    Return Transport (van) from Port Lincoln to Adelaide

    Australian Sea Lion - Hopkins Island, South Australia













    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only
    Flights to and from Adelaide
    Flight to Port Lincoln (option to travel back to Adelaide with the rest of the group at the trip cost)
    Travel Insurance
    Excess luggage charges
    Spending money

    The Best of South Australia
    Flights to and from Adelaide
    Travel Insurance
    Excess luggage charges
    Spending money and gratuities
    All meals when not on board MV Rodney Fox

    Regular dive gear is all you require for this trip with a minimum of a 5mm semi dry wetsuit, hood and gloves as the water can be very cold. Gear can also be hired from the Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions for the Great White Sharks only leg of the journey and please contact us for pricing.

    Upon booking or upon request, PDS can send you the recommended flights to Adelaide and To Port Lincoln. A full itinerary will be sent to all divers prior to the trip.

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields scan and email to [email protected].


    To book online click HERE
