This trip sold out quickly last year and was talked about for months after! So why would we change the winning formula?! Well we have! You get an extra two dives at South West Rocks! Given the action in Shark Alley at the moment I am sure the extra two dives will be used getting up close and personal with these marvellous sharks! Escape the craziness of Brisbane and head south for a weekend that you will replay on your deathbed! Starting off the Easter long weekend we are heading down to South West Rocks to dive at Fish Rock Cave, hitting up the South Solitary Islands and if the conditions prove right, the North Solitary Islands. THREE of the BEST dive sites in New South Wales in one weekend!!
Fish Rock and Solitary Islands – ONLY 6 SPOTS TOTAL!!
Departing Brisbane at 5:00am on Friday you will be chauffeur driven down to South West Rocks where we will check in at midday to dive the world famous Fish Rock Cave and play with the Grey Nurse Sharks at Shark Alley. These are two phenomenal dives!! For what you can expect check out Leigh Workman of Moist Multimedia’s video
We have two air conditioned family suites in Coffs Harbour close to shops and amenities were we will be staying for the weekend. With multiple restaurant options in close proximity and more importantly within walking distance to the latest opening bar in the area! After a sleep in on Saturday we will then venture back to South West Rocks to do two more dives at Fish Rock. Whether you have another crack at the cave or savor the opportunity for another dive with the magnificent Grey Nurse Sharks, it is up to you!
Sunday morning we will then to do more dives with Grey Nurse sharks at the South Solitary Islands which is a MACRO photographers paradise. There are nudibranchs galore, cuttlefish, and then there of course the big boys and girls – Grey Nurse sharks! We will have a leisurely dinner on Sunday night before getting up early the next morning where if the weather is in our favour we will be looking to get out to the North Solitary Islands. The conditions have to be perfect to make it there from Coffs so if the heavens are not on our side we will continue to explore the plethora of dive sites that the South Solitary Islands have to offer! I will then drive everyone back to Brisbane after we return on Monday.
This is a unique opportunity to dive three of the most desirable dive sites in Australia in one weekend ALL for ONLY $850! This amazing weekend which includes:
- 8 dives at 3 of Australia’s BEST dive sites!
- 3 nights accommodation in a family suite
- Return private transport
- Tanks
- Weights
PADI ADVANCED OPEN WATER Course can also be done this weekend for only an additional $220! This includes online learning! No boring classrooms! Do all of the learning in the comfort of your own home with a glass of wine or beer in hand. The best part of the AOW is that there are NO exams!! Just practical knowledge and 5 dives to challenge and improve your skill set. If you would like to do your Advanced Open Water on this weekend please mark the box on the booking form and we will get the online learning pass to you ASAP!
I can organise all gear requirements for the weekend for $80 (with the exception of mask, snorkel and fins – every diver must provide their own) which is very reasonable as most dive shops in Brisbane charge $80 a day! If anyone needs to buy gear I am more than happy to assist and ensure that they get the best value and quality. If you are interested in joining us for the weekend please fill in the attached booking form and make sure your don’t miss out on this trip of a lifetime!
As always if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact John on 0457 007 040 , [email protected] or Lisa on 07 3204 5857 , [email protected] .
** Please note whilst it is not compulsory in New South Wales to dive with a snorkel, safety sausage, knife or whistle, Professional Dive Services highly recommends that all divers dive with these items in the interest of their own safety.**
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