Tag: shark diving

  • FIJI ISLANDS- Dive Beqa Lagoon

    FIJI ISLANDS- Dive Beqa Lagoon














    Come dive with the creator of the FIJI SHARK DIVE.  In 1999 Aqua-Trek’s Brandon Paige, a.k.a the “Shark Whisperer”, created a dive with the intent to educate divers and  aid in the conservation of sharks. Little did he know he was creating what is now known as THE WORLD’S #1 SHARK DIVE.

    Divers come from around the world to experience the only dive with 8 Species of Shark.  Aqua-Trek’s ULTIMATE SHARK ENCOUNTER features multiple bull sharks (largest in the world), whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef sharks, nurse sharks, lemon sharks, grey reef sharks, silvertip sharks and over 300 species of fish. As if that isn’t enough, 16 + foot tiger sharks come in regularly, making this a ‘shark lovers’ dream dive. Aqua-Trek has been successful in creating two Shark Marine Reserves that directly involve the Fijian people in the protection of sharks. It is within this protected area that THE ULTIMATE SHARK ENCOUNTER takes place.

    As divers descend through the clear waters to the 25m/80 foot landing, they will see sharks circling below them along with hundreds of jacks, snappers and other fish species swirling around the feeding area. Within this excitement divers are rewarded by rare sightings of the huge queensland grouper and humphead wrasse. Divers are not in a cage, but situated on the reef around the perimeter of the dive site called “the Arena”.  Once settled in, the feed begins. Tawny Nurse sharks are abundant and not shy as they crowd around the feeders. Lemon Sharks attend in ones or twos. Silver tips dart in and out from the blue. The main attraction, the huge Bull Sharks, arrive in numbers as far as the eye can see. They purposefully move in opening their enormous jaws to take the food from the feeder in direct view of the diving guests.

    An amazing experience, yes! Let us take you one step further … Enter the Tiger Shark. Everything you were just witnessing has gone still and silent as the 16-18 foot denizen of the sea slowly and deliberately moves in to claim the area with its grand presence. The queen has arrived. She slowly scans the area with her black eyes taking it all in. All the others move aside as she comes around several times to feed just feet away from the divers, and then is on her way, leaving the divers in awe. After 20 minutes of bottom time, divers ascend up the beautiful reef ledge where grey reef, black tip and white tip reef sharks swim freely. After the big boys (and girls), this part of the dive seems like the nursery.





    The dive lasts about 50 minutes and provides divers and ‘shark lovers’ award winning photo and video opportunities. After the hour long surface interval, the dive is repeated, however you never know what the second dive will bring as the tide has changed and the chum trail has travelled far. A 10-minute boat ride back to the dock and divers are sharing pictures and video and excitedly reliving the experience.


    The Ultimate Shark Encounter is a dive you will never forget. Those lucky enough to be graced by the presence of each species of shark that arrives at the dive have witnessed something that is special and may not always be there. We hope it will move you to join us in our efforts in the conservation of these beautiful creatures that are so vital to the marine ecosystem and our planet.



    27 October- 3 November 2019


    Diver in a Beach Bure – $3,579

    Diver in a Beach Villa – $3,929




    Return flights ex Brisbane to Nadi
    Airline taxes & fuel surcharges

    Uprising Beach Resort, Fiji
    Beach bure twin share room- 7 nights
    Continental breakfast daily
    Free use of kayaks, beach volleyball and use of stand-up paddle boards
    Return airport transfers

    Aqua Trek, Fiji
    6 shark dives
    4 reef dives
    tanks, weights and dive guide


    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Dive gear (excluding tanks and weights)
    Excess Luggage surcharges
    Shark Marine Park fee of $20 FJD pp


    Prices are subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in exchange rates and 2018 rates.

    Please refer to attached document for the detailed trip itineray

    Please complete the booking form attached to this webpage and email back to [email protected]. We are working with Allways Dive Expeditions to ensure you have the best dive holiday possible!

  • The Solitary Islands Weekend Retreat – Two incredible locations, one phenomenal weekend!

    The Solitary Islands Weekend Retreat – Two incredible locations, one phenomenal weekend!

    South Solitary Islands











    The South Solitary Islands Marine Park

    The Solitary Islands Marine Park runs for 90 km north of Coffs Harbour; which is centrally located between Sydney and Brisbane, on the NSW north coast. This is where the warm Great Barrier reef waters from the north, meet the cooler southern waters from Sydney and below. The sheltered Island havens are warmer than the coastal waters producing a unique blend of tropical and sub-tropical fish life, hard and soft corals, and spectacular marine life. With over 25 exciting dive sites we will not be limited in our choices of dive site! Dive with the endangered Grey Nurse Sharks – sure to get your adrenalin pumping as these stunning creatures glide close to you in the water. In season, you will also get the chance to see Humpback Whales on the trip out and back.

    In the Summer months (November to April) the water temperature rises from 19c to peak in March at between 24c and 26c. During that time we see tropical varieties breeze thru with the East Australian Current, with the larger fish like Manta Rays andLeopard Sharks thru to the smaller critters like the Ornate Ghost-Pipefish. Then from May thru to the end of June the water temperature stays above 20c. Then it drops to about 19-18c for the rest of Winter months. The Winter brings us a more abundant number of Grey Nurse Sharks and the special appearance of Giant Cuttlefish. We really like the diving in the winter, and at the temperature it is, it compares to the southern tropical waters of the Barrier reef.

    North Solitary islands

    The North Solitary Islands Marine Park

    The islands are absolutely world class diving. The islands are not only home to the incredible array of temperate species found in New South Wales waters, they are also considered the southernmost limit of permanent colonies of tropical species. The marine park reserve is famous for a diverse variety of marine life, thickly populated at different dive locations around the island.

    At the north eastern end is a small sheltered inlet called Anemone Bay. The boulder strewn site is carpeted with anemones and numerous Anemone fish, cowries, rays, turtles and hard and soft corals.

    The Step, is a rocky drop-off; the wall drops from 15m to 45m and numerous sharks, giant Manta Ray, cod, eagle and bull rays patrol this section.

    The Canyons is another popular spot best described as a multi-coloured aquarium with a few southern species thrown in. Also famous for Painted Cray’s and large dive able depressions in the ocean floor.

    The Bubble Cave; near a spot called Southern Anchorage, is very dark and a torch is required to fully appreciate it. There are air bubbles trapped at the top of the cave. Fish life includes Lion Fish, large schools of White Bait, plethoras of nudibranchs and Spanish Dancers at times cling to the walls of the cave.

    Fish Soup is one of the most requested dive locations. Located at a group of wave washed rocks called North West Rock. It is renowned for a variety of larger fish species such as Black Cod, Mangrove Jack’s , Jew Fish, Spangled Emperor, Snapper, Red Mowong, Tarwhine just to name a few.


    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    EAN (nitrox) is available upon request at an additional cost
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience




    $600 per person

    Divers with Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch, South Solitary Islands


    4 dives (2 dives at the North Solitary Islands and 2 dives at the South Solitary Islands)
    Fuel surcharge for the North Solitary islands trip and marine park fees
    2 night’s accommodation
    Continental Breakfast both days
    Return private transport from Woolloongabba to Coffs Harbour
    Dive Master services
    Tanks and weights.

    Nitrox is available at an additional $20 per tank


     All Dive Gear
    travel Insurance
    Personal spending money
    All meals are at your leisure (with the exception of breakfast)


    PDS is able to with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.


    We will departing Brisbane (Woolloongabba) at 4pm on Friday and from here you will be driven in our company van to Coffs Harbour. Upon arrival we will check in to our accommodation and get a good night sleep ready to do 2 dives in the morning at the North Solitary islands. On Sunday, we will do 2 dives in the morning before heading back to Brisbane after lunch. We expect to have you back in Brisbane (Woolloongabba) by mid- evening. An itinerary with more accurate timings will be sent to the divers prior to the dive trip.








    Enriched Air (Nitrox)
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].

  • Explore Australia’s Far North – Diving the Torres Strait and Ribbon Reefs aboard the MV Kalinda

    Explore Australia’s Far North – Diving the Torres Strait and Ribbon Reefs aboard the MV Kalinda











    This is truly an incredible trip and VERY few divers on the planet have had the opportunity to dive the Torres Strait. Some of the most spectacular diving in the Coral Sea and reefs dived so rarely that you will likely see something that no person has ever seen before! This is the Great Barrier Reef at it’s healthiest. Incredible untouched reef systems with abundant fish life and huge varieties of pelagic life. Regardless of whether you love macro or wide angle subjects there is something here for everyone!

    The Far Northern Reefs are some of the most isolated reefs north of Lizard Island and extend to the east the tip of Cape York peninsular about 500 nautical miles north of Cairns. So many of these reef systems have not even been explored before! Our skipper Dave Stewart has been leading expeditions to this region and has found dive sites and reef systems that no one else has. The Far Northern reefs are famous for their fantastic wall dives, world class drift diving, pinnacles teeming with plethoras of fish, enormous coral bommies, and reef fish and invertebrates of incredible variety and colour. The nesting season for the green sea turtle runs from October through February, and November and December sees thousands upon thousands of turtles descending on the many small coral cays in the region.

    img_3231None are as well known though as Raine Island which has been featured in numerous National Geographic and David Attenborough documentaries as in peak season up to 250 turtles and hour drag themselves up onto the beach to lay the next generation. Raine Island is the LARGEST green sea turtle rookery in the word! Aside from the enormous turtles in their incredible numbers this is particularly impressive as there are typically roaming tiger sharks waiting for an easy meal of an exhausted mother who has just laid her clutch. This is a world class opportunity to witness nature in it’s purest and rawest form.

    Check out this incredible footage from Bio Pixel for what is in store for you if you join us :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4iIV-80eMc

    img_3019It is not just the spectacular Far Northern Reefs that we will be exploring. We will also be diving the most iconic sites of the Ribbon Reefs including two sites which are consistently rated in the top 10 dives in Australia, Steve’s Bommie and The Cod Hole! Aside from the famous Cod Hole you will also have a very unique opportunity to dive the sites around Lizard Island which are renowned for nudibranchs and macro life as well as their huge resident potato cod. The only other way to get to these sites is to pay a minimum of $1,500 a night!


    The other big draw card is the wreck of the RMS Quetta. The wreck of the RMS Quetta is one of Australia’s oldest and best known shipwrecks and is on the list of one of the few dive able historic wrecks. Located just South of Adolphus Island, this 116 metre long Scottish passenger liner sank on the 28th of February 1890 after striking a coral mount at low tide with 133 of her 290 crew perishing. At the time she was Queensland’s worst maritime disaster. This site requires a permit to dive, experience and significant planning. Huge currents and variable tides make her a difficult dive but very rewarding for those who do it! The Quetta lies in only 6 to 18m of water and is home to literally millions of fish. Thankfully many of the historic relics / “souvenirs” have been removed from the wreck and preserved in museums to stop them ending up in the hands of private collectors and irresponsible divers and so they can be admired by all for generation to come. She is still an incredible wreck though on par if not better than the SS Yongala and so rarely dived it is truly a remarkable opportunity.



    Here is some footage taken by Chris Miller for Coast Australia to give you an idea of what awaits you on the RMS Quetta : https://vimeo.com/127999670

    ***This dive trip can be very challenging with a lot of sites prone to current so it is only recommended for experienced divers.***

    Want a better idea of what is in store for you for the entire trip? Check out this great highlight video from a previous Far North trip showing all of the residents that are waiting for you to come and play! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vakW7BpkHGk





    Suggested passage plan :

    Nov 2018

    2 – Board in Cairns @ 1400

    3 – Ribbon Reefs/Steve’s Bommie

    4 – Cod Hole/Lizard Island

    5-    Scooterboot

    6-   Small Southern Detached/ Ferguson Reef

    7-   Mantis/Wishbone Reef

    8-   Woody’s/ The Drop (Wood Reef)

    9-   Captain Blood’s Wall of Terror/ The Anchors (Greater Detached Reefs)

    10 –   Da Phat/6mp / Turle Farm (Greater Detached Reefs)

    11 –   OMG Spot / Cow Bommie (Greater Detached Reefs)

    12 –   Raine Island (Turtles & Tiger sharks)

    13 –  Transit Day

    14 – RMS Quetta / Thursday Island

    15-  Disembark Horn Island @ 9am











    Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers (certified to 30 metres)

    Depth ranges from 6 – 40+ metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    2 to 15 November 2018

    To book onto this trip please click HERE



    $3,900 per diver ex Cairns   ***There are ONLY 12 divers on this trip!!****



    Opportunity for up to 40 dives (12 days of diving)
    13 nights berthed accommodation on board the MV Kalinda
    All meals and snacks whilst on board
    Tanks, weights & air fills
    RMS Quetta fees and GBRMP fees
    Divemaster services if required



    Flights to and from Cairns
    Flight from Horn island to Cairns
    Beer, wine & soft drinks (available on board)
    Travel Insurance (We also highly recommend DAN insurance)
    Personal spending money
    Dive Gear


    PDS is able to provide you with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator set, computer and hire pricing for the week will be provided upon application. Please note that you will need to arrange to collect the gear from us (Brisbane based customers) prior to the trip and this gear must be incorporated into your own luggage allowance for your flights.


    MV Kalinda 2









    Our Vessel

    The MV Kalinda was constructed in 1973 and is a solid, cravel planked timber monohull. Thoughtful design by boat builders Thompson & Thompson and refit modifications have created an amazing sense of space and modern convenience without loss of charm and character. She is not a luxury boat by any means but is practical and functional. The MV Kalinda sleeps up to 30 people including crew but aside from the crew we have reduced this number to ONLY 12 divers to make it as comfortable for you as possible. Don’t miss out!

    Dave Stewart is our fearless leader. owner and manager of the MV Kalinda, skipper (master class 4.), engineer (marine engine driver grade 2.), Marine Biologist (BSc(hons) JCU), SCUBA Instructor (PADI) 700+ certified students, 2500+ dives worldwide, Underwater photographer & Videographer, & specialty instructor. Dave has more than 20 years experience (at over 150 days a year) exploring the Great Barrier Reefs and a large number of these sites that we will be diving are sites he has discovered! Dave is renowned for his down to earth nature and detailed dive briefs.











    Advanced Open Water
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Self Reliant Diver
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Shark Awareness
    Boat Diver
    Underwater Naturalist

    *** Many more specialties can be done on this trip. John is an Instructor in 32 different specialties. Did you have a specialty in mind? Call John on 0457 007 040 to discuss***




    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to[email protected].



    To book online please click HERE

  • Explore the tranquil waters of Lady Elliot Island aboard the MV Adori

    Explore the tranquil waters of Lady Elliot Island aboard the MV Adori





    MV Adori









    The Trip
    Come and join us on your own private liveaboard diving some of the best waters on the planet. The MV Adori and her crew will be taking us to one of the pinnacles of Australian diving, Lady Elliot Island! This trip is a must for every diver with diverse coral cays, reefs, islands and abundant marine life. There is NO cheaper way to see Lady Elliot Island. You can take all of your own gear and there are NO weight restrictions. ALL of your food and diving is included and the best part is it is BYO!

    Dive Information

    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)

    Wreck certification is not a requirement to dive this site

    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience


    Trip Dates & Price

    Thursday, 14- Monday, 18 December 2017    $1,550 per person – 1 spot left

    To book online for either of these dive trips CLICK HERE











    What’s Included

    Up to 16 dives including up to four night dives
    4 nights accommodation in air conditioned bunks

    Reef tax
    All air fills
    Couples booking on will be given priority for the twin share cabins with ensuite
    Complimentary transport to Bundaberg from Brisbane











    What’s Excluded
    All Dive Gear
    Transport to Bundaberg if you are making your own way
    Alcohol  – The MV Adori is BYO
    Soft drinks

    Gear Hire
    PDS is able to assist with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.


    DAY 1
    For those availing of the free transport from Brisbane we will meet at Woolloongabba at 6am to head North to Burnett Heads. Arriving in Burnett Heads at midday everyone stows their gear and settles in on-board. We will then receive a boat and safety brief before departing port for Lady Elliot Island. It will take approximately 5 hours to Lady Elliot Island where we will enjoy a night dive on the wreck of the Severance before retiring for the evening.









    DAY 2
    You wake up to the magnificent sight of Lady Elliot before you. With so many dive sites to choose from, it will be hard to decide where to dive next! Lighthouse Bommie will feature heavily of course as the mantas are one of the main draw cards! The humpback whales will be in the area too on their migration so you NEVER know what we will see!!











    DAY 3 and 4
    Days three and four will see us continue to explore the sites at Lady Elliot. Having dived here extensively over the last four years between John’s knowledge of the sites and Captain John’s knowledge of the ocean we will get you to the best diving available. Popular sites include Spider’s Ledge, Lighthouse Bommie, The Blow Hole, the wreck of the Severance, Three Pyramids, Grouper’s Grotto, Shark pools, Hiro’s Cave, Coral Gardens and so many more!  











    DAY 5
    Day five will be an early start but it is worth it! We will start with Spider’s Ledge with the hope of seeing the manta rays coming in to clean after their night feeding. We will then head to Lighthouse Bommie to interact with as many mantas as possible. July and August are peak season at Lady Elliot Island as the mantas return to mate. There is NO place in Australia and few in the world that compare to Lady Elliot for manta interaction which is why it was recognised as one of the top 5 Manta Ray dives in the world! We will depart LEI at midday to head back to Bundaberg where we will arrive circa 5pm on Sunday night to disembark.  


    Specialities Suitable for this trip
    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)

    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Self Reliant Diver
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to
    [email protected]


    Book online by CLICKING HERE

  • PHILIPPINES- Malapascua, Cabilao & Oslob

    PHILIPPINES- Malapascua, Cabilao & Oslob













    Malapascua is a small island only 2.5km long and 1km wide. Also known locally as Logon, the island is located about 8km off the north eastern tip of Cebu island and 25km west of Leyte. You can walk around the island in 1-2 hours. It has a population of around 4,000 people, most of whom live off tourism, fishing, boat building or coconuts. White sandy beaches, the probability of seeing thresher sharks, manta rays and to dive some wrecks has made this a diver’s hotspot in the Philippines.

    Epic thresher shark diving is our goal on the first half of the trip. 5 days of diving at Malapascua will present us with multiple opportunities to dive with these incredible creatures. Nothing will prepare you for the first time you see a thresher shark in the flesh. They almost don’t look real… A torpedo like body with a tail which dwarfs the rest of it and manga cartoonish eyes will have you wondering whether you have in fact seen it or if you have a touch of narcosis?! The thresher sharks of Malapascua will truly have you enthralled! Whilst it is the ocean and nothing can ever be guaranteed this is THE thresher shark hotspot on the planet so it would be incredibly unlikely for us not to see them.

    Thresher sharks Malapascua


    Check out this footage to see what you could be seeing for yourself if you join us!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=34&v=s06c5DZxm84



    The second half of our Philippines extravaganza is at the off the beaten path destination of Cabilao. The perfect place to slow things down combined with world class diving. Pygmy seahorses, critters as well as hard and soft corals of various species have made the island a must-see, especially for scuba divers. At present, there are two marine protected areas (no-take zones) around the island. The only motorized transport you can find are a few tricycles and a couple of motorcycles, who also serve as so-called ‘habal-habal’, they will bring you around for a small fee. However, most of the distances on Cabilao island are quite short, you can easily walk them. The lack of roads also means that everything on the island has to be brought in by banka (local outrigger boat): building materials, wood, food (except fish caught locally), and, during periods of drought, fresh water for drinking and bathing.


    Pygmy Seahorse / Hippocampus Bargibanti



    The other major draw card on our itinerary is two days of diving with the whale sharks at Oslob. There are few places in the world where you can guarantee the presence of whale sharks and be able to SCUBA dive with them! The whale sharks appear at Oslob every day to suck the fish out of the fishermens’ catch nets as they haul them aboard so there are plenty of opportunities to capture that new profile pic with the largest fish in the ocean! Aside from the whale sharks Cabilao also offers some fantastic reef and wall diving so we won’t be struggling for choice!




    Dates TBA


    From Diver AU$4,251 per person

    From Non Diver AU$3,068 per person


    From Diver Ex-Cebu AU$3319 per person

    Whale shark Oslob








    • Airfares Ex Brisbane / Singapore/ Cebu – Tagbilaran / Manila / Singapore /Brisbane flying with Singapore Airlines and Philippine Airlines
    • Meet and greet in Cebu + road and boat transfers from Cebu to Malapascua
    • 5 nights twin share standard accommodation at Buena Vida – Malapascua, Includes: Breakfast daily
    • Transfer from Malapascua to Cabilao via Cebu – Road and boat transfers
    • 5 nights twin share deluxe accommodation at Pura Vida – Cabilao
    • Includes: All meals whilst at Pura Vida ( Breakfast, 2 course lunch & 3 course dinner )
    • Transfer from Cabilao to Tagbilaran Airport
    • 22 boat or shore dives with Sea Explorers in Malapascua and Cabilao
    • Includes: 2 dives with the Whale sharks at Oslob, tanks, weights and dive guide services, Sanctuary fees
    • Australian departure taxes
    • Professional Dive Services Tour Leader

    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Excess Luggage surcharges


    Prices are subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in PHP exchange rates and 2016 operator, hotelier and airline rates.


    Please be aware that this package has been based on indicative airfare prices. Prices are subject to change, your package price will be reconfirmed at the time of booking. Please use the package price as an indicative guide.


    To secure your place on this trip, you need to complete a booking form and return it together with a non refundable deposit of $700 per person + the cost of the international airfares and taxes.

    Please find the Dive Adventures online booking form HERE


    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)
    Under water Navigation
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!

  • The New South Wales New Years Dive Spectacular!

    The New South Wales New Years Dive Spectacular!


    Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias Taurus), Gutters of Fish Rock Cave, South West Rocks, NSW, Australia









    The Trip

    7 nights, 8 days, at least 12 dives and 6 world class dive destinations.  This is truly the best of Mid and Northern NSW diving.

    This trip is always popular and never fails to impress. However this year we have upped the ante again! This year we are diving the biggest hot spots on the NSW coastline covering all major dive destinations between Byron Bay and Sydney! This is truly the BEST OF NSW! Escape the craziness of Brisbane and head south for a week that you will replay on your deathbed! Like a diving advent calendar each new day will present you with a different world class dive location to explore.

    Diver with wobbegong shark, Fish Rock Cave, South West Rocks, NSW.











    Starting off  we are heading down to Wooli to dive the North Solitary Islands and if the conditions are right Pimpernel Rock! Day Two will see us diving the magnificent South Solitary Islands Marine Park and hitting up crowd favourite Manta Arch! Day Three presents one of the Top 10 dive sites in Australia, Fish Rock Cave at South West Rocks diving with the local Grey Nurse sharks. Day Four brings up some more depth and the opportunity to dive at one of the largest shark aggregation sites in Australia, Seal Rocks at Forster.  Day Five will delight macro photographers and wide angle enthusiasts alike with two dives at Port Stephens / Nelson Bay renowned for it’s incredible macro smorgasbord and nudibranch varieties. Our final day of diving ringing in the New Year will be diving on Australia’s newest scuttled naval ship the EX-HMAS Adelaide at Terrigal.

    Grey Nurse Shark (blind mature female) / Carcharias Taurus









    Dive Information

    Ideally suited for Advanced Open Water divers but also suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Wreck certification is not a requirement to dive this trip
    Depth ranges from 6 – 40 metres
    EAN (nitrox) is available upon request
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience

    Trip Dates

    26 December – 2 January 2016

    8 Days/ 7 Nights- Ex Brisbane


    $1,600 per person

    What’s Included

    12 dives- 12 boat dives and there will be opportunity for some additional shore dives!
    7 nights shared accommodation
    Private transport for the week departing and returning to Woolloongabba, Brisbane.
    Tanks and weights
    Professional Dive Services guide


    Diver in the shallow entrance, Fish Rock Cave, South West Rocks, NSW, Australia








    What’s Excluded

    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Dive Gear
    Excess luggage surcharges
    All meals

    Baggage Allocation & Gear Hire

    All divers are responsible for their own gear. Tanks and weights are included in the trip price. If you need to hire gear; it is available, if you could please contact us in advance of the trip to ensure it is brought for you. We have a very comfortable 2014 Hyundai iMax with trailer for our gear so there is no limit on what you can take!



    This trip is open to anyone but is recommended for Advanced Open Water divers and above or Open Water divers looking to complete their Advanced course. All divers will be under supervision of a Professional Dive Services Instructor. Starting off  we are heading down to Wooli to dive the North Solitary Islands and if the conditions are right Pimpernel Rock! Day Two will see us diving the magnificent South Solitary Islands Marine Park and hitting up crowd favourite Manta Arch! Day Three presents one of the Top 10 dive sites in Australia, Fish Rock Cave at South West Rocks diving with the local Grey Nurse sharks. Day Four brings up some more depth and the opportunity to dive at one of the largest shark aggregation sites in Australia, Seal Rocks at Forster.  Day Five will delight macro photographers and wide angle enthusiasts alike with two dives at Port Stephens / Nelson Bay renowned for it’s incredible macro smorgasbord and nudibranch varieties. Our final day of diving ringing in the New Year will be diving on Australia’s newest scuttled naval ship the EX-HMAS Adelaide at Terrigal.


    Specialities Suitable for this trip

    There are many more specialties and courses that can be completed over this trip. To discuss what you would like to do please feel free to contact John on 0457 007 040 and he can design a plan for you.

    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Project AWARE Fish ID
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].

  • Lord Howe Island – Diving a World Heritage Site!

    Lord Howe Island – Diving a World Heritage Site!












    The Trip

    Lord Howe Island off the east coast of Australia; just a 2 hour flight from Sydney or Brisbane, is one of the worlds most beautiful World Heritage listed islands surrounded by a stunning NSW Marine Park. Warm tropical waters and cooler temperate currents have created a diverse range of marine life, a unique mix of both tropical and temperate water fish. In short, a diving and photography paradise!

    Lord Howe Island is an irregularly crescent-shaped volcanic remnant in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, 600 kilometres (370 mi) directly east of mainland Port Macquarie, and about 900 kilometres (560 mi) from Norfolk Island. It is about 10 km long and between 2.0 km and 0.3 km wide with an area of 14.55 km2, of which only approximately 398 hectares is in the lowland settled area. Along the west coast there is a sandy semi-enclosed sheltered coral reef lagoon. Most of the population lives in the north, while the south is dominated by forested hills rising to the highest point on the island, Mount Gower (875 m or 2,871 ft). The Lord Howe Island Group comprises 28 islands, islets and rocks. Apart from Lord Howe Island itself the most notable of these is the volcanic and uninhabited Ball’s Pyramid about 23 kilometres (14 mi) to the south-east of Howe. To the north there is the Admiralty Group, a cluster of seven small uninhabited islands.

    The Lord Howe Island Group is recorded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site of global natural significance. Most of the island is virtually untouched forest with many of the plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Other natural attractions include the diversity of its landscapes, the variety of upper mantle and oceanic basalts, the world’s southernmost barrier coral reef, nesting seabirds, and its rich historical and cultural heritage. The Lord Howe Island Act of 1981 established a “Permanent Park Preserve” (covering about 70 per cent of the island). The surrounding waters are a protected region designated the Lord Howe Island Marine Park

    Lord Howe Island Marble Shrimp









    Dive Information

    Ideally suited for Advanced Open Water divers but also suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Wreck certification is not a requirement to dive this trip
    Depth ranges from 6 – 40 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience

    Trip Date

    12 to 18 February 2017   TWO SPOTS LEFT


    From $3,695 per person- price on application due to flight schedule

    What’s Included

    15 dives- Balls Pyramid, Admiralty Islands, night’s dives and so much more!
    6 nights twin share accommodation at the Leanda Lei Apartments
    Return flights from Brisbane to Lord Howe Island
    Tanks and weights
    Professional Dive Services guide
    14 kg checked baggage & 7 kg carry on
    Dive gear rental
    What’s Excluded

    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Excess luggage surcharges
    All meals

    Baggage Allocation & Gear Hire

    Due to the light aircraft that the group will be travelling on to and from Lord Howe Island, each passenger is very restricted to the 14 kg checked baggage and 7 kg carry on restrictions. We have investigated extensively a way around this and unfortunately, we have not been able to get a larger allocation of luggage. Additional luggage may be added, IF there is room on the plane. At this stage, the plane is looking to be full and additional luggage is unlikely. Therefore we have  included gear hire for the week on this trip.

    Lord Howe Island Eel










    We have tailored our dive itinerary towards Advanced Open Water divers so we can aim to dive the deeper dives at Balls Pyramid, as well as particular Admiralty Island dives (North Rock, 10th June deep, Gowers Pinnacle) etc. In saying that, if there are any OW certified divers, you will be able to attend the majority of the dive sites which are between 12M – 20M. There is of course the opportunity to maximise your dive holiday and complete your Advanced Open Water qualification so you are not restricted.

    Our dive package includes a bonus 2 dives for free if time and weather permits. We also have 2 night dives as part of our package as well as trips to dive the world famous Ball’s Pyramid and Admiralty Islands. Ball’s Pyramid is located 20km to the south of Lord Howe Island and provides world class diving and species endemic to the region. Travel time is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. When diving Ball’s Pyramid and its neighbouring sites you can expect to see massive schools of Violet Sweep, Amberjack, Kingfish, Silver Drummer, Ballina Angelfish, Rainbow Runners, Trevally and occasionally Marlin, Dolphins and Wahoo.The dive sites average 25 metres in depth and range from drift dives, cave dives or simply following a coral wall. The Pyramid itself is located in a marine sanctuary zone which maintains the pristine aquatic environment. You can often expect to see walls of fish from the surface down to 25 metres. One of the highlights of diving Balls Pyramid is to see the Ballina Angelfish, a deep water Angel that is generally only found in water in excess of 100 metres. Ball’s Pyramid is believed to be the only destination where you can see them on recreational scuba in 25 metres. A truly amazing dive.
    For our accommodation we will be staying at the comfortable Leanda Lei Apartments.

    Specialities Suitable for this trip
    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Project AWARE Fish ID
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    Please contact John or Lisa Gransbury directly on 07 3204 5857 or 0457 007 040 to book. Prices and availabity are now subject to availabilty of flights, accomodation and the dive operator.

  • Sardine Run, South Africa – The GREATEST Spectacle in Nature!

    Sardine Run, South Africa – The GREATEST Spectacle in Nature!





    Every year, between the months of May and July, many millions of Silvery sardines travel north from the cold southern oceans off South Africa’s Cape Point, hugging the shore as they make their way up along the coastlines of the former Transkei (northern Eastern Cape) and KwaZulu- Natal in what is commonly known as the annual Sardine Run.

    Visible even by satellite, these famous sardine shoals travel in seething masses stretching for up to 15 kms in length, 3.5 kms wide and nearly 40 metres deep.

    The Sardine Run is a spectacle in itself, but add to this, hundreds of predators arriving in mass to partake in a feeding frenzy. Birds, dolphins, sharks, whales and game fish all gorge themselves on the sardine’s.

    Sardine Run, Dolphins









    On this 8 night, 9 day trip you will experience an action packed adventure filled with phenomenal marine life and other activities in the area.

    The boat launches from the beach between 0630- 0730, depending on the sardine action.

    A microlight (plane) is on hand to brief the boat on the happenings in the water within a 20km radius of the shore. Once the boat has found the sardine action (usually by large flocks of sea birds or the schools of dolphins in the vicinity of the fish) you can choose to either witness the spectacle by snorkel, scuba or from the deck.

    The choice is yours to enjoy a packed lunch on board the boat or return to the Lodge in the early afternoon for a late lunch. Enjoy the remainder of the day at your leisure. Choose from the following activities on offer: a microlight flight, horse riding, walks or scenic drives.


    Sardine Run, Sailfish








    Accomodation- Mbotyi River Lodge

    The Myotyi River Lodge is situated at the mouth of the Mbotyi River and tribal estuary, along South Africa’s Wild Coast. Nestled in the rolling hills and lush tropical forest. The Lodge has 45 double or twin wooden thatch rooms, each with their own unique view of the sea or the beautiful lagoon.

    Mbotyi Lodge









    Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers (certified to 30 metres)
    A minimum of 30 dives is essential
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience

    Sardine Run, Dusky whalers









    Currently working on dates for July 2019


    $9,335 per person


    Return airfares Ex Brisbane to Durban via Johannesburg flying QANTAS
    2 nights twin share accommodation at The City Lodge Umhlanga- Durban; includes breakfast daily
    8 nights twin share accommodation- The Mbotyi River Lodge
    All meals; Full or packed breakfast, light lunch and refreshments on the boat and 3 course dinner daily
    Dedicated microlight spotter aircraft support to locate sardine ball
    1 x guest microflight (weather permitting)
    Up to 7 days on the water or *alternate activities (determined by weather)
    Air fills, tanks and weight belts
    Return airport transfers throughout
    Australian departure tax

    *Alternate Activities
    The following activities are substituted if the boat launch is unavailable- visit to a rural African Village, horse riding and guided walks

    Sardine Run









    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Excess luggage surcharges


    Prices are subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in USD currency exchange rates

    Note: the package price is based on an exchange rate of 0.76 USD= 1.00 AUD

    Sardine Run, Seals










    To secure your place on this trip, you will need to complete an online booking form, along with a non- refundable deposit of $1,500.

    Please find the Dive Adventures online booking form HERE

    Please note that additional payment installments will be required throughout the duration of this booking. All details will be confirmed at the time of booking confirmation.

    Sardine Run, gannet








    We strongly recommend divers bring their own gear rather than hiring on location. Having gear that you are familiar and comfortable with is important for this type of adventure diving. Gear is available on site if required.

    The Indian Ocean is the warmer of the 2 oceans bordering South Africa. You will be diving in the winter season where water temperatures will vary between 15- 21C. A 7mm wetsuit will most often suffice with booties, hood and gloves.

    If you require any dive gear for this trip, please communicate this to us via email ([email protected]). If you are hiring from us, additional charges for gear hire and excess luggage fees will apply.






    Dog Tooth Tuna / Gymnosarda unicolor
    Dog Tooth Tuna / Gymnosarda unicolor












    OKINAWA is the southernmost prefecture of Japan. The Ryukyu Islands consists of approximately 160 islands (48 of which are inhabited) of varying sizes stretching for 1,000 kilometres from east to west and from north to south in between the Philippine Sea and the East China Sea, from Kyushu (in the southwest of Japan) all the way to Taiwan.


    Hawksbill Sea Turtle / Eretmochelys imbricata
    Hawksbill Sea Turtle / Eretmochelys imbricata


    Yonaguni Island is Japans most westerly point located 110 km off the coast of Taiwan and a 2 hour flightfrom Naha, Okinawa’s capital. Yonaguni is a small, remote, untouched island with a population of less than2,000 people. Most dive around Yonaguni are drift dives. Throughout the year there are schools of big eye trevally and barracuda, dogtooth tuna, turtles, large cuttlefish and more. There are many large rock formations, caverns and tunnels to explore. January to March is the main time for schooling Hammerhead sharks!

    Yonaguni Monument- Yonaguni’s unique attraction for both archaeologists and divers alike are the mysterious underwater ruins which lie off the south coast of the island. Discovered in 1986. The megalith structures have sparked much debate as to whether they were completely naturally formed, were naturally formed the modified by man or are man-made structures created by an ancient civilisation dating back to the last Ice Age (around 10,000 BC) which would make the Monument the oldest man-made artefact on earth, pre-dating the pyramids in Egypt.

    Military Barracuda, Sphyraena putnamae
    Military Barracuda, Sphyraena putnamae

    It is hard to believe that the Monument was formed by completely natural processes. Key features include an archway entrance; twin megaliths standing perfectly side by side; a staircase; the main monument measuring some 100 metres long x 50 metres wide and 25 metres tall, with perfectly carved perpendicular terracing; a triangular shaped pool with a drainage channel; decorative rock carvings; a formation which looks distinctly like a face; and evidence of a cobbled loop road around the structures. Could this be the mythical lost continent Mu?


    Depth- 5- 40 metres



    10 days/ 8 Nights Ex Brisbane

    17- 27 January 2017


     $4,990 per person


    Return Airfares Ex Brisbane to Okinawa flying with China Airlines
    Return Airfares Ex Okinawa to Yonaguni
    1 nights twin share accommodation- Loisir Hotel, Naha City, Okinawa – includes breakfast
    7 nights twin share accommodation- The Hotel Irifune- Yonaguni- includes breakfast and dinner daily
    15 boat dives with Sou- Wes Yonaguni- includes tanks, weights and dive guide services (3 boat dives per day)
    Lunch & Refreshments on diving days
    Return Airport taxes throughout
    Australian Departure Tax


    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Excess Luggage surcharges


    Prices are subject to change without notice due to fluctuations in YEN exchange rates and 2017 operator, hotelier and airline rates.


    To secure your place on this trip, you need to complete a booking form and return it together with a non refundable deposit of $500 per person. Click HERE

    An additional payment of $750 per person will be required 6 months prior to travel as the airfares from Okinawa to Yonaguni will need to be ticketed at this time.


    Advanced Open Water
    Underwater Navigation
    Enriched Air/ Nitrox
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!





    SOF - Sharks3






    Stretching more than 2300 km along the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef is a complex ecosystem of around 2900 individual reefs. In the remote northern sector 10 string shaped coral reefs, collectively called “The Ribbon Reefs’, provide some of the most stunning tropical reef scuba diving in the world. Lying within the protected green zones of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, sites such as Steve’s Bommie offer rich marine biodiversity and endless macro photography opportunities.

    Hundreds of kilometres beyond the Great Barrier Reef, Australia’s Coral Sea harbours the undersea remnants of ancient volcanoes. Here, the diver is presented with sheer walls laced with massive soft corals and gorgonian fans that plummet 1000 metres to the ocean floor. These isolated reefs, including Osprey and Bougainville Reefs are home territory for huge schools of pelagic fish, manta rays and sharks and are also renowned for their crystal clear water. Diving the remote regions of the Ribbon Reefs and Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea requires you to join a live-aboard scuba diving tour.


    The Spirit of Freedom is one of Australia’s most comfortable and well-appointed live-aboard dive vessels. At 37 metres in length, with three decks of living space, generous cabins with private bathroom, the Spirit of Freedom offers all the amenities of a hotel, complimented by first class meals and outstanding service. A large dive deck with nitrox and photo facilities, houses every convenience to ensure comfort, safety and freedom in your diving.





    To be Confirmed


    Dorm Accommodation-  $1,925 per person- 1 available
    Twin or Double Accommodation- $2,200 per person- 4 available



    Transfers to/from your Cairns city hotel
    One way flight – Cairns to Lizard Island
    Opportunity for up to 15 dives
    En-suite cabin with daily service
    Chef Prepared meals
    Australian wines and soft drinks with evening meals



    Flights to and from Cairns
    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending monies
    Accommodation in Cairns on the nights of the 8th April  & 13th April 2015.


    Thursday: Around 7:30am this morning the Spirit of Freedom courtesy coach will transfer you from your Cairns hotel to Hinterland Aviation at Cairns Aviation Airport. From here you will board a twin-engine light aircraft for your scenic flight up the coast to Lizard Island. The Spirit of Freedom crew will greet you on arrival and escort you via tender to the vessel. After an orientation of the vessel, we depart for Ribbon Reef Number 10. This afternoon we will have the opportunity for two dives at a choice of sites including Cod Hole, Challenger Bay, Lighthouse Bommie, Pixie Gardens and Pixie Pinnacle. We depart in the evening for a 10 hour crossing to Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea.

    SOF-Osprey-Reef-SharksFriday & Saturday: Two days will be spent diving Osprey Reef (weather permitting). Australia’s Coral Sea reefs are renowned for their crystal clear water with visibility ranging from 30- 100 metres. The landscape is amazing with sheer walls laced with gorgonians, sea whips and bright yellow soft corals, rising from the ocean floor thousands of feet below. ‘North Horn’ is a dive site at the tip of Osprey and is a site where grey reef sharks, silvertips and the occasional oceanic congregate. You can also experience a close encounter with the Spirit of Freedom shark attraction dive. You will have the opportunity to dive 4 to 5 dives each day, including a night dive on Friday. On Saturday night we will depart Osprey Reef for overnight travel to the Ribbon Reefs.

    Sunday: At Ribbon Reefs Number 3,we will dive such sites as the sensation Steve’s Bommie, Temple of Doom and Flare Point. A second option for this day, in special weather conditions, is to head south from Osprey to Bougainville Reef, which is known for its unusual underwater landscape or caverns and its partially submerged wreck. On Sunday evening we will cruise overnight back to Cairns.

    Monday: We arrive back into Cairns at 06:30 am. Enjoy a light breakfast on board and there will be a group photo opportunity before being dropped back to your Cairns Hotel around 08:00am.



    Advanced Open Water (perfect for this trip)
    Under water Navigation
    Enriched Air /Nitrox
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].




  • JERVIS BAY – The Cream of Southern NSW Diving Aboard Oceantrek

    JERVIS BAY – The Cream of Southern NSW Diving Aboard Oceantrek

    Australian Fur Seals












    Located approximately 2.5 hours drive south of Sydney. Jervis Bay is consistently ranked as one of the best dive locations to dive in NSW. Jervis Bay has crystal clear water with viz. ranging from 10-25m. The dive sites at Jervis Bay are numerous and each site offers something different. Dive sites usually range in depth, so divers can set their own depth limit in accordance with their experience. The giant sandstone cliffs that ring the entrance to the bay have over millions of years collapsed into the sea forming caves, tunnels, archways, drop offs and terraces providing homes to the many and varied sea creatures that live in and around the bay.

    The best way to dive Jervis Bay is on the18m live aboard Ocean Trek. Ocean Trek accommodation is for up to 23 guests in ten rooms. Ocean Trek has a spacious dive deck  and when you are not diving you can relax in the large dining and saloon area with CD deck ,video ,TV and tape deck. A marine reference library is available for divers reference while on board. Oceantrek is a sister to ship to Big Cat Reality so you will find her similar in style larger and more spacious accommodation.

    Diving from Ocean Trek gives you the unique opportunity in that you can do as much or as little diving as you want. Have a dive after breakfast, again after lunch and why not hit the water again for a late afternoon dive. After dinner there is always the chance to experience the magic of a night dive as well.

    The diving in Jervis Bay is special and the Ocean Trek gives you access to the best of it. With over 30 sites to choose from there ranging from 4m to 40m+ there is no reason why you would have to do the same dive twice! Unless it was just so amazing you had to! You will see underwater life is abundant, with big schools of yellowtail and old wives. The sponge gardens support a vast array of life including Sea Baskets, Starfish, Seastars, Nudibranchs, Pygmy Leatherjackets, Red Indianfish, Weedy Seadragons, Seahorses, numerous rays, Blue Grouper and much more.

    The movement of water into the sheltered bay means that there are giant underwater bommies/boulders that have weathered slowly over time, which hide giant cuttlefish, Port Jackson sharks, Blue Devil Fish, Wobbegongs and southern rock lobster . There are underwater cliffs and cracks, there are drop offs and large caves to explore and these are home to grey nurse sharks (Carcharias Taurus).








    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)

    Depth ranges from 4 – 40 metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    Ex Jervis Bay- Thursday, 23- Tuesday, 28 April 2015 @ $960 per person

    Ex Brisbane- Thursday, 23- Monday, 27 April 2015 @ $1,500 per person


    Oceantrek - Image : Tom Davis








    14 scheduled dives
    4 night’s accommodation on board Oceantrek
    All air fills
    Tanks and weights
    All meals aboard Oceantrek

     EX-Brisbane Also Includes:

    Return flights from Brisbane to Sydney
    Additional night in a motel in Huskisson on Monday
    2 Bag allowance – one for dry gear, one for dive gear
    Return private bus transfer from Sydney to Jervis Bay


    Travel Insurance
    Personal Spending Monies
    Excess Luggage surcharges
    Meals unless otherwise indicated
    Personal dive gear unless otherwise indicated


    Giant Cuttlefish










    PDS is able to with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the live aboard, however this must be communicated prior to the trip. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire from PDS, however is available from the operator). Torches are also available and are subject to availability.

    If you are travelling from Brisbane, the gear hired must be collected from us prior to the trip and included in your luggage allowance.

    If you are meeting us in Jervis Bay, it is advised to hire your gear directly from the operator. Please contact us for hire rates.

    For those departing Brisbane, we fly to Sydney onThursday afternoon where the group will be greeted by a private bus to drive you down to our awaiting Oceantrek at her dock in Huskisson. We will stay on her on Thursday evening and secure our berths ready for departure on Friday morning. We then enjoy the cream of Southern NSW diving until Monday afternoon where we will return to Port and check into our motel for the night in Huskisson before catching our bus back to Sydney airport to meet our return flight to Brisbane early Tuesday afternoon.

    For those meeting us in Jervis Bay, we will meet you- TBC

    Exact timings and details will be communicated to the divers booked onto this trip closer to the date.


    Advanced Open Water
    Under water Navigation
    Nitrox (Enriched Air)
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!

    Note- Some specialties are site and conditions dependant. All efforts will be made to complete course dives on a booked trip, however if conditions do not allow it the diver will have to book onto another trip to complete the course requirements.

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].



  • Get your Grey Nurse Shark on during Shark Fest at Shark Alley, North Stradbroke Island

    Get your Grey Nurse Shark on during Shark Fest at Shark Alley, North Stradbroke Island









    North Stradbroke Island is a pristine, secluded island paradise – a hidden treasure only one hour from central Brisbane.  Diving off Stradbroke Island can only be described as exhilarating! The dive sites you will explore are only a 10- 15 minute boat ride from shore and Manta Bommie has been rated in the top 10 dive sites in Australia.

    Straddie’s reefs are teeming with various marine life like Manta Rays and Leopard Sharks during Summer (Oct- Apr), endangered Grey Nurse Sharks and Humpback Whales during Winter (May- Sept), plus Bull and Eagle Rays, guitar and Wobbegong Sharks, Turtles, Dolphins, Octopus, Pelagics, hard and soft corals, Nudibranchs plus hundreds of tropical fish species.

    Up to 8 fabulous dives getting up close and personal with the labradors of the sea, Grey Nurse Sharks. Flat Rock in winter is a melting pot of pelagic life. Grey Nurse sharks patrolling the sand gutters whilst you are serenaded by the haunting melodies of the southern humpback whales. Literally anything could swim past!

    There is a choice of 12 varying dive sites to choose from and we can plan your trip based around your experience level which include the most popular sites of Manta Bommie, Flat Rock and Shag Rock.

    As we are able to dive with Grey Nurse Sharks over the entire weekend, every effort will be made to dive Shark Alley at Flat Rock.

    North Stradbroke Island Map


















    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)

    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres

    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    Grey Nurse Shark





    $750 includes –  8 dives,  2 nights’ accommodation at Manta Lodge, tanks, weights, return transport from Woolloongabba to Cleveland, ferry transfers, Divemaster services if required and photos as a momento of your trip.

    The following are recommended upgrades for this trip

    Advanced Open Water Course @ $250 per person
    PADI Deep Diver speciality Course @ $195 per person
    Peak Performance Buoyancy @ $195 per
    Shark Awareness @ $195 per person
    Enriched Air / Nitrox @ $245 per person (includes 2 nitrox fills)

    NITROX NOW AVAILABLE!! Nitrox fills are $20 per double dive i.e. $40 for the day or $80 for the weekend.


    All Dive Gear (excluding tanks & weights)
    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending money
    All Meals are at leisure










    PDS is able to provide you with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the day and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available if arranged in advance and are subject to availability. Gear hire is available from the dive operator on North Stradbroke, however this maybe at a higher rate.









    The timings for this weekend of diving will be dependant on the number of dives you do over the weekend. If you choose to do the full weekend of diving; I have noted the timings below. A more detailed itinerary will be sent to the divers closer to the date.

    You have the option of meeting the group either at the ferry terminal in Cleveland or in Woolloongabba where John will drive you to Cleveland in our van.

    Departing Woolloongabba

    We will meet at 4pm sharp at Adreno, 54 Deshon Street, Woolloongabba. You are able to park your car here for the weekend, either off street parking or at the rear of Adreno.

    Departing Cleveland

    We will be catching the Big Red Cat car and passenger ferry which will depart Toondah Harbour (1 Emmett Drv, Cleveland) at 5pm sharp . Please meet John at the ferry by 4:45 pm.

    We will aim to catch the 5:55 pm ferry from Dunwich (North Stradbroke Island) and should be back at Cleveland by 6:30pm on Sunday. If you are travelling back to Adreno with John, we should have you back there around 7:30pm. There maybe a possibility that we could catch an earlier ferry back to the mainland, however this will all be dependant on the running of the day.










    Advanced Open Water
    Under water Navigation
    Enriched Air (Nitrox)
    Deep Diver * Site dependant
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    Note- Some specialties are site and conditions dependant. All efforts will be made to complete course dives on a booked trip, however if conditions do not allow it the diver will have to book onto another trip to complete the course requirements.

    * Site dependant









    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].

  • Grey Nurse Shark Overload at Seal Rocks, Forster, N.S.W.

    Grey Nurse Shark Overload at Seal Rocks, Forster, N.S.W.










    A dive at Big Seal Rock, when the grey nurse sharks are in, is the most unforgettable experience. Descending the rock wall, you will come upon a wide gutter at 21 m, which has a small cave cutting into the rock face. Usually schools of kingfish, drummer and trevally circle the gutter, while turtles, wobbegongs, stingrays and Port Jackson sharks can be seen resting on the bottom.

    Between summer and winter the gutter is often filled with dozens of grey nurse sharks. You can sit on the edge of the gutter and watch these large sharks swim in figure-of-eight patterns. Grey nurse sharks are encountered on most of the reefs off Forster/Tuncurry and Seal Rocks at almost any time of the year.

    There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of hidden reefs off the twin towns of Forster/Tuncurry located 300 km north of Sydney. Divers have explored the reefs in the area for over 40 years, and in that time have only scratched the surface.

    There are many dive sites at Seal Rocks of which we will most probably be diving the following site (based on conditions)

    Port Jackson Shark








    Breaker and Jimmys Cave- An extensive reef system covering over 200 square metres, responsible for sinking the SS Satara on 20 April 1910. Jimmy’s cave is a substantial and mostly fully enclosed cave penetration dive.

    Statis Rock aka Skeleton Rock- The home reef at Seal Rocks, the perfect second dive after one of the local rocks or wrecks. Generally a calm, sheltered dive with Grey Nurse Sharks and lots of schooling fish species.

    Big Seal Rock- The focus of Greay Nurse Shark aggregation in the Seal Rocks Complex, at times there may be more than 40 individual sharks gathered in the Eastern Gutter.

    Little Seal Rock- Complex rock reef structure with Grey Nurse Sharks, bull rays and plenty of schooling fish. This is the rock that sunk the Catterthun on 8 August 1895.

    Idol Bay- An excellent second dive just West of Latitude Rock. Plenty of bommies on a mixed rock and sand bottom. Full of big and small marine species. One of the most enjoyable shallow reef dives on the mid Coast of NSW.

    Bennetts Head Bommie Rock reef just off Bennetts Head featuring a swim through cave. This site can be done as a shore dive in calm conditions or as a boat dive. Plenty of macro life, anemones and large bull rays on the sand.

    The Barge Forster- an old Barge upside down in nutrient rich water near the Forster estuary opening, teeming with big critters and macro photography opportunities.

    The Pinnacle Forster Isolated Rock- the pinnacle dive near Forster, a favourite hang-out for big critters including rays, jewfish and grey nurse sharks.

    Latitude Rock- An isolated rock reef feature near Forster teaming with life.

    SS Catterthum- Another Steamer trying to shortcut the 5 miles around the small rock outcrops and hit one. One of the most rewarding, yet difficult to actually dive wrecks on the East Coast of Australia. Lost on 8 August 1895 with 9,000 gold sovereigns aboard. A genuine treasure hunting dive.

    Satara Shipwreck- The SS Satara, a 120 m long cargo steamer which foundered off Seal Rocks in 1910, now rests on its port side in 42 m of water.  The stern section sits in an upright position, displaying the enormous prop, as well as portholes, boilers, the engine, propeller shaft, piles of chains and hundreds of plates. The wreck is covered in sponges, ascidians, anemones and black coral trees. Schools of reef and pelagic fish swarm about the wreck, and Port Jackson, grey nurse sharks, wobbegongs and the occasional bronze whaler are often sighted.

    Bat Fish








    Must be Advanced Open Water Certified and Deep Diver qualified to dive this dive site.  You can do your Deep Diver Speciality whilst diving this site.
    Wreck certification is not a requirement to dive this site
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience


    Thursday, 2 – Monday, 6 May 2019


    $850 per person


    $950 per person including your PADI Deep Diver specialty

    The following are recommended upgrades for this trip

    Diving on Nitrox@ $ 30 per dive or $120 for the weekend
    *PADI Deep Diver specialty Course @ $100 per person (reduced price for this trip ONLY)
    PADI Enriched Air specialty Course @ $275 per person for manual learning or $475 per person for on-line learning (both prices include 6 Nitrox fills)

    To book online click HERE

    Forster House Reef









    6 Dives and a bonus dive at Forster Dives house site
    4 Nights accommodation
    Return transport to and from Brisbane
    Tanks and weights


    All Dive Gear (excluding tanks & weights)
    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending money
    All Meals are at leisure


    PDS is able to provide with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.


    We will departing Brisbane (Woolloongabba) mid-afternoon on Thursday and from here you will be driven in our company van to Forster, NSW. Upon arrival you will check in to our accommodation and get a good night sleep ready to dive with the sharks in the morning (2 dives), Saturday and on Sunday. On Monday, we will head back to Brisbane before lunch. An itinerary with timings will be sent to you closer to the date of the trip.


    Under water Navigation
    Enriched Air (Nitrox)
    Deep Diver (perfect for this trip)
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Search and Recovery
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Underwater Navigation
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist

    This is the perfect way to complete a specialty course as you have already paid for the dives!!


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].


    To book online please click HERE

  • Wolf Rock  – Grey Nurse Sharks All Year Round!!

    Wolf Rock – Grey Nurse Sharks All Year Round!!


    Wolf Rock at Rainbow Beach is one of the few places in Australia where you can see Grey Nurse Sharks all year round and they are HUGE! Compare Wolf Rock to other dive sites where Grey Nurse Sharks are only seen in winter, this site is truly unique. Wolf Rock is also the ONLY known aggregation site for pregnant female grey nurse shark on the whole east coast of Australia.

    At the end of mating season (Oct- Dec) the numbers of grey nurse shark found at Wolf Rock increases dramatically; meaning that you will be diving with mainly female sharks. It is understood that Wolf Rock receives 50% of the pregnant females and no-one knows where the other 50% go. This has triggered scientists to research their movements and find other aggregation site/s. They suspect it is somewhere in southeast Queensland, perhaps even at the top end of Fraser Island.

    Wolf Rock – Video by Simon Walkden-Brown



    -Suitable for Advanced Open Water Divers or Open Water Divers doing their Advanced Open Water Course
    -Depth ranges from 10 – 35 metres
    -EAN (nitrox) is available upon request
    -Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience







    Thursday 31 December 2020

    To book online for one of our Wolf Rock day trips click HERE 


    11 to 13 December 2020

    Day Trip – $300 per person- 2 dives, tanks, weights, surface interval snacks, lunch, photos from your trip and return transport to Rainbow Beach.

    Midweek Overnight Trip – $600 per person- 4 dives, 1 night accommodation, tanks, weights, surface interval snacks, lunch, photos from your trip  and return transport to Rainbow Beach.

    Weekend Trip – $650 per person 4 dives, 2 nights accommodation, tanks, weights, surface interval snacks, lunch, photos from your trip and return transport to Rainbow Beach.

    The following are recommended upgrades for this trip

    Diving on Nitrox@ $ 40 per double dive
    PADI Advanced Open Water Course @ $275 per person
    PADI Deep Diver speciality Course @ $245 per person
    PADI Enriched Air speciality Course @ $295 per person for manual or $445 for on-line learning. These prices include 2 nitrox fills



















    All Dive Gear (excluding tanks & weights)
    Travel Insurance
    Personal spending money
    All Meals are at lesiure


    PDS is able to provide you with a wetsuit, BCD, regulator, computer, tanks and weights for the weekend and please communicate your requirements on the booking form. Each diver must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins and boots (not available for hire). Underwater camera and torches are also available and are subject to availability.

    Alternatively, gear hire can be arranged from the operator, however this could be at a much higher cost.


    Advanced Open Water
    Enriched Air (Nitrox)
    Deep Diver
    Digital Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Photographer
    Underwater Videographer
    Peak Performance Buoyancy
    Dry Suit Diver
    Shark Awareness
    Underwater Naturalist


    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields, scan and email to [email protected].


    Book online via one of the following links:

    Day Dive Trip- To book online for one of our Wolf Rock day trips click HERE 

    Weekend Dive Trip- To book online for a weekend trip click HERE

  • Australian Giant Cuttlefish, Leafy Seadragons and Great White Sharks!

    Australian Giant Cuttlefish, Leafy Seadragons and Great White Sharks!


    OPTION ONE- Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only

    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions want you to see Great White Sharks! And not just a quick flashing pass of grey, they want you to really see and experience the wonder and amazement of Great White Sharks. Get that tickle down your spine as one of the world’s prehistoric, amazing and definitely misunderstood fish swims by you.

    After nearly 50 years, Rodney and Andrew Fox are the world’s foremost cage operators and they can hold their heads up high knowing that their combination of more time on location, more cages and less people makes them the South Australian shark viewing company with the most successful shark encounters.

    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions are the most established and respected cage diving operation in the world. They are the ONLY operators worldwide to put the cage on the sea floor so you can truly see the sharks in their natural environment. They react entirely different at depth than they do at the surface when they are predating. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!

    The RFSE only leg begins in Port Lincoln where you will fly in and meet the rest of the group. After a good night sleep we will then board the MV Rodney Fox. We will then secure our bunks on board and steam out of Port. We will then journey to just short of Hopkins Island to jump in the water with Australian Sealions. These creatures are incredible and you will be amazed how quickly the time passes as you watch them pirouette and glide past you! We then head to the Neptune Islands to anchor for the night ready for the main event and in search of the main star, the Great White shark.

    Once we arrive on site we put the surface cage and start the surface cage rotation. This trip is normally predominantly filled with SCUBA divers so if you aren’t certified as soon as the bottom cage rotations begin you will pretty much have the surface cage to yourself! We will return from our incredible adventure on the evening of the 10th for disembarkation where we will stay the night at the Marina Hotel before leaving the next morning to  head back to Adelaide. You can either join us for the bus ride back to Adelaide or fly back from Port Lincoln (please ensure to take no fly times in to account before booking your flights.).

    OPTION TWO – The Best of South Australia

    On day one we will meet in Adelaide at the baggage claim and from here the group will be some of the first visitors to view the newly established Rodney Fox Great White Shark Museum. This incredible exhibit used to be housed in Glenelg when the Failie was the vessel that RFSE used for their tours. The exhibition has been substantially expanded and given a new home to be the BEST great white shark exhibit in the world! Even more exciting is we will be doing a meet and greet with the man himself Rodney Fox! We will then begin our road trip to Whyalla, where we will stay for the night. On day two the group will head to the best site in South Australia to dive with the LARGEST cephalopod aggregation in the world with mating Giant Australian Cuttlefish. The numbers of cuttlefish have dropped over the years and were continuing to significantly decline with only an estimated 25,000 returning each year. Twenty years ago the numbers were around 1 million. We are pleased to say that after four years of gradually increasing the population is the largest it has been in over 8 years as of June 2017! Don’t miss the opportunity to see these stunning creatures.

    After our dive with the cuttlefish, we will then drive to Port Lincoln, where we will get a good night sleep ready to dive with another of South Australia’s most iconic creatures, Leafy Seadragons. In the morning we then head to Tumby Bay to dive with the largest seahorse in the world, the Leafy Seadragon! Endemic to Australia these incredible animals are truly fascinating. The largest of the seahorse family they are absolutely stunning creatures and masters of camouflage! It is not just the seadragons that will have you captivated! You will be mesmerised by the kaleidoscope of colour on the pylons, a hallmark of temperate water jetty/pier diving! Our group will then meet any members joining us just for the liveaboard at the Marina Hotel to stay the night ready to board the MV Rodney Fox the next morning. On Monday morning we begin the RFSE portion of our epic adventure starting off with playful Australian sealions before powering out to the Neptune islands in search of the Great Whites.

    We can take up to a maximum of 18 divers for the Best of South Australia tour.

    Great White Shark - Bottom Cage, Neptune Islands, South Australia












    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions
    You do not need to be dive certified to join this trip

    The Best of South Australia
    Suitable for Open Water Divers (certified to 18 metres)
    Depth ranges from 6 – 28 metres
    Diving by yourself? We will buddy you up with another diver with similar experience



    The Best of South Australia- Friday, 4 – Friday, 11 June 2021 – $3,950 per person

     Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only- Sunday, 6 – Friday, 11 June 2018- $2,950 per person

    To book a spot on this trip online click HERE














    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only
    3 nights accommodation aboard MV Rodney Fox
    A dive with Australian Sea Lions aboard MV Rodney Fox
    3 days of boat diving with Great White Sharks with Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions aboard the MV Rodney Fox
    All meals on the MV Rodney Fox
    2 nights accommodation at the Marina Hotel, Port Lincoln
    Transport (van) from Port Lincoln to Adelaide (final day)

    The Best of South Australia
    Entry in to the Rodney Fox Great White Shark Museum
    Meet and greet with Rodney Fox himelf!
    1 nights accommodation in Whyalla
    Transport to various dive locations in South Australia
    A shore dive with the mating Australian Giant Cuttlefish at Whyalla
    3 nights accommodation aboard MV Rodney Fox
    A dive with the Leafy Sea Dragons at Tumby Bay
    A dive with Australian Sea Lions aboard MV Rodney Fox
    3 days of boat diving with Great White Sharks with Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions aboard the MV Rodney Fox
    All meals on the MV Rodney Fox
    3 nights accommodation at the Marina Hotel, Port Lincoln
    Return Transport (van) from Port Lincoln to Adelaide

    Australian Sea Lion - Hopkins Island, South Australia













    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions Only
    Flights to and from Adelaide
    Flight to Port Lincoln (option to travel back to Adelaide with the rest of the group at the trip cost)
    Travel Insurance
    Excess luggage charges
    Spending money

    The Best of South Australia
    Flights to and from Adelaide
    Travel Insurance
    Excess luggage charges
    Spending money and gratuities
    All meals when not on board MV Rodney Fox

    Regular dive gear is all you require for this trip with a minimum of a 5mm semi dry wetsuit, hood and gloves as the water can be very cold. Gear can also be hired from the Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions for the Great White Sharks only leg of the journey and please contact us for pricing.

    Upon booking or upon request, PDS can send you the recommended flights to Adelaide and To Port Lincoln. A full itinerary will be sent to all divers prior to the trip.

    Download the booking form attached to the page. Complete the required fields scan and email to [email protected].


    To book online click HERE
